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Sarath Fonseka is ready to witness for international investigation.

International investigation against Srilankan government on the human rights violation will be held in near future.” If the request is issued to witness I am ready to accept the requisition”- former military Commander Sarath Fonseka said when he came to Colombo high court for a case for inquiry. 

Chairing the armed forces was involved in war according to the rules of international law and I did not order to shoot the people those with the hoist the white flag.

I will not hesitate to confront the enquiry. I am ready to prove that Srilankan forces were not involved in war crimes.
Further he said “I cannot accept the statement of government that Srilanka will not be allowed to enter the international Investigation team.
He questioned “why should government hesitant to face international investigation” and he said the persons, those involved in the criminal activities show reluctance. 

The government already announced, the persons who witness during the investigation should be ready to face the appropriate response then. Minister Heheliya Rampukvell also proposed the same idea recently.
“However, the forces were not involve in any of the criminal activities which I can ready to prove  in any  of the investigation”-  former commander Sarath Fonseka said.


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