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Lankan Tamil arrested on charge of spying for Pakistan

   A Sri Lankan national was arrested on Wednesday by National Investigation Agency (NIA)on the charge of spying on behalf of Pakistan.

Arun Selvarajan was arrested by NIA for his alleged involvement in espionage activities at the instigation of Pakistan, official sources said last night.


Selvarajan was found in possession of two passports - Sri Lankan and Indian, they said.


He is learnt to have gained access to certain vital installations under the guise of managing events, a statement issued by NIA said without mentioning where he was apprehended.

"Selvarajan was passing on information using internet communication tools. Incriminating evidence has been seized from him which is under scrutiny", the statement said.


He also has criminal cases pending in Sri Lanka against him along with a look-out circular, itsaid.

Police said an official in the Pakistan High Commission at Colombo was his handler and provided funds to him.

He has criminal cases pending against him in Sri Lanka along with a lookout notice, the statement said.

Arun came to India in 2011 and then floated an event management company and began organising conferences and events. He had visited vital installations like the Coast Guard and Officers Training Academy.

He is also linked to the Thameen Ansari case. Thameen Ansari was arrested on September 16, 2012 for conspiracy to transmit photographs, video clippings and, sketches on the security aspects of the Willington Military Training Centre near Udhagamandalam in Nilgiris District, Karaikkal and Nagapattinam harbours and Indian Naval base at Mallipattinam through e-mail and in person to a foreign country

LTTE intelligence Chief Pottu Amman Arrested in Konghong

L.T.T.E Intelligence leader Pottu Amman has arrested in Konghong

During the final war in Srilanka in 2009, the government or army did not give  any official statement about Pottu Amman. At the end, the reports released he had escaped. According to lankann.com, Pottu amman was arrested When he ready to go for meeting his family in Canada and as soon as he was sent to Srilanka by a  special airline.

The Story behind

The death of LTTE leader Vellupillai Pirabakaran had already created uproar across the world, But it turned into a stunned silence when his Intelligence Chief Sanmuganathan Sivasangar alias Pottu ammann a.k.a Pottu went missing.
While Vellupillai was shot dead on the banks of Nandikkadal lagoon on May 19th,pottu amman was said to have killed while crossing the river in the early hours on May 18th.Howeever no any evidence to prove his death. Several theories were behind his disappearance. Even, Many tigers had also confirmed his death, but without evidence.
This unconfirmed news about Pottu amman has raised a question in every Tamils mind.

Zimbabwe likely to get sponsorship after historic win

Cricketing minnows Zimbabwe after having scrapped Australia by three-wicket in the triangular series could now lure sponsors to support the future of cricket in the country.
According to a report published in allafrica.com, Zimgold expressed interest in sponsoring the game in Zimbabwe. Earlier, Prosper Utseya was named the best Zimbabwean player in the tournament after his dramatic hat-trick and was awarded US $ 1000 prize money from Zimgold.
Zimgold parent company Pure Oil business manager, Vishal Warrialani said that his company is intent on supporting the cricket team in future.
“We want to continue to recognise and appreciate great achievements such as the one by the national cricket team,” said Warrialani. “We would want to improve our relationship with cricket as long as we also get support. They are a talented group and beating Australia is no mean achievement. On an individual level, Utseya did well, hat-tricks are rare and he also went on to take five wickets in that match bef
ore guiding the team to a win with the bat.”

Many Women Loved Me: Gnanasara Thera

The Bodu Bala Sena General Secretary Gnanasara Thera
has said, “I used to see the beautiful women and admire their beauties in my heart. Even though I admire the beauties of these beautiful women, I never confuse my mind with this at the bottom of my heart. I also get the same feelings like you all get. Because, I am also a human being and I also get the human feelings like lust, desire and affection.
But I am able to control all these feelings by concentrating and focusing upon my mind with spirituality. Under these circumstances, I do not have an opportunity to have an access towards a woman and no opportunity to love any women. These feelings are died and gone away from me. I have never smoked and never tasted alcoholic drinks in my entire life time.
Even though I took renunciation, many women were started loving me. This is normal thing. Under these circumstances how to act has been taught in the religion of Buddhism.
In the year 2004, a young woman has been following me continuously wherever I went and later on I came to know that she has been in love with me in her heart, but I never loved her in my mind. Buddha preached us to treat the Women as Mothers, Sisters and Daughters.
But at the same time, before I could take renunciation, I have been following girls and chasing the women in my younger days. During my boyhood days at the age of 13, I was trying to receive the love and affection of women.
But, when I took renunciation all these feelings, desires and lusts were got dissolved in the water and these feelings are died and gone away from me.
During my school days, I have become an expert in the subjects of Art and Literature. Many women loved me at this point of time also.
In the present Government, I like Minister Champika Ranawaka; he is my favorite minister of the Government. I don't like Dilan, Rajitha and Vasudeva Nanayakkara.
Since lord Buddha has mentioned in his teachings about which meat to eat and which meat is not to be eaten, I eat meat and fish. I love to use Perfumes a lot.
These above statements are made by the Bodu Bala Sena General Secretary Gnanasara Thera during his personal interview he has given to a Sinhalese media.

The Book with the Tittle of "SRILANKA'S SECRETS"

 As the civil war in Sri Lanka drew to its bloody end in 2009 the government of this island nation removed its protection from UN officials and employees, who, along with other international observers, were forced to leave the conflict zone. President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his inner circle wanted, it seemed, a war without witness.

The end result was the deliberate slaughter of an estimated 70,000 innocent civilians. However, many survivors, and some who died, were able to capture on camera the horrifying conclusion to the war and the cruel deprivations of the internment camps that followed. Today, through their images and testimony, Rajapaksa stands accused of war crimes.
In Sri Lanka’s Secrets experienced journalist Trevor Grant presents the shocking story of the final days of this war, alongside the photographs and eye-witness accounts of many Tamils, including Maravan, a social worker who fled to Australia by boat after being tortured by soldiers seeking his folio of photographs.

Grant also details the continuing torture and abuse of Tamils in Sri Lanka, and some national governments’ ongoing support for a regime that has abandoned any pretense of democracy. Foremost among these enthusiastic supporters has been the Government of Australia, cynically preoccupied with ‘stopping the boats’ fleeing Sri Lankan state terror At any cost.

Trevor Grant has worked as a journalist for more than 40 years, as a reporter and specialist feature writer for The Age and News Ltd in Melbourne, mostly in the sports arena. He now works as a broadcaster and writer on activist issues in Australia, and as an advocate for refugees through the Tamil Refugee Council and Friends of Refugees.

Narendra Modi is paying visit to the White House

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is paying a state visit to the White House this month;
Tamils for Obama urges the president to include Tamil matters in their discussions and to consult the wise and well informed Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Jayalalithaa.

"Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is coming to the US to call on you this month," began the letter that Tamils for Obama wrote to the president this week.
"Modi will probably want to talk about regional security, economic matters between India and the US, and international terrorism," the letter went on. "We hope you and PM Modi will find time to discuss matters involving the Tamils in Sri Lanka."
"We named a few of the reasons we think Tamil matters cry out for attention," said the Tamils for Obama press spokesman. "We wrote the president 'Tamils in Sri Lanka are suffering. The armed forces are seizing Tamil properties--homes, farms, lands, and businesses are being taken and transferred to Sinhalese citizens. Cultural objects like Hindu temples are being uprooted and replaced by Buddhist temples. Sexual violence against single and widowed Tamil women by the Sri Lankan armed forces has become rampant. Unexplained disappearances with no legal recourse for families of vanished persons are common. The white vans of paramilitary organizations are a frightening daily phenomenon.
'The Tamil population is scared of the Sinhalese army. This creates an intolerable and unsustainable situation which cannot and will not endure; unrest and disorder are the least of what may be expected.'
"These conditions will lead to bad results," said the spokesman. "If the storm doesn't come soon, it will come later. We are urging the two leaders to take action now."
The letter continued "We hope that you and the Indian Prime Minister will discuss ways to solve these persistent problems. We expect that you and Mr. Modi will include Jayalalithaa in your discussion. She is the Chief Minister of the southernmost Indian state of Tamil Nadu. She is the best informed and most involved Indian leader in Tamil matters, and perhaps the most influential and popular. In the past Jayalalithaa has proposed a referendum among the Tamils in the northeast of Sri Lanka and the displaced Tamils in the Tamil diaspora. This referendum will establish their wish for their political future."
The letter concluded "The answer to all of the Tamils' problems is probably an independent and self-protecting Tamil state. If the Tamil-inhabited provinces continue to be ruled by Colombo, all of these problems will continue into the future for as far as we can see. If an independent Tamil state exists, the Tamils will be able to protect themselves and solve their own problems. Everything rests on separation."
Tamils for Obama is a politically active group of Tamil Americans. They believe that over 70,000 Tamil civilians were massacred during the last weeks of the Sri Lankan ethnic war. They have also watched the behavior of the Sri Lankan Singhalese victors after the war, and strongly conclude that Tamils in Sri Lanka will only be safe when this unfortunate island is divided into two states.
To contact the group, call at (516) 308-2645 and speak to, or leave a message for, the Communication Director, Tamils for Obama

Construction of Buddhist temple in Tamil’s area.

         The Buddhist temple is being constructed secretly on private land in Mullaitivu.

The village people said that The Buddhist temples are being constructed secretly on private land and the land belongs to General hospital in Kokillai village in Mullaitivu district. According to the information of that area people, in that particular place one of the new Buddha statues is established on Wednesday and put foundation for building a new Buddhist temple.

The general hospital did not opened even it is constructed one and half an year earlier and the hospital received enough fund to build fence round,it has not been set yet. The people accused that provincial ministry of Health continues to sloth.

Already they started the construction work, expropriating the private land and hospital land and the land owner put the case in court for calling the release of his land.

When the case is in pending state, the construction work have started again in that particular area- the area people allege. 

In recent years, the constructions of Buddhist temple in the Tamils living areas have being increased in number.The government are seriously work to bring whole Srilanka as Buddhist country. These construction works are also the part of the activity to reach their purpose.